Saturday, December 31, 2011

good riddance 2011

Let’s give a synopsis of 2011, shall we?

I gained a shit load of weight.  Then I lost it.  Then I gained it again, lost it, gained it, lost it, gained it, really lost it and back to gaining.

Then I quit drinking.  And started again.  And quit, and started and quit and started and quit and started and quit and started and quit and started and quit and started and quit and started and quit.
Took 3 months off from work WHICH you would think would be a good thing; but, it horribly wasn’t.

Lost two of my BFF’s (well…just BF I guess since the last F belongs to Lost now) due to irreconcilable differences, one so mind numbingly devastating, it just shook my foundation, as shaky as that is.
And on Christmas Eve day, Zephyr, my feisty Beta, died.

Seems daunting to try and change myself.  As my prior post states, another year…..but I really can’t live another year like this one.  I’d rather die. 
2012’s daily mantra:  Stop thinking about the past, and don’t worry too much about what’s going to happen in the future. Your presence is a present so live for today and appreciate everyone and everything you have.  Stop thinking about what you don’t have, what you wish you had, who walked out of your life, and whatever else that falls in that category. Think about what you have, who you have in your life, and how fortunate you are.

Hmmm….time to get my big girl panties on…