Terrorist Attack?
Has anyone given any thought that maybe Britney Spears is actually a cleverly thought-out Terrorist Attack? Think about it...this country is obsessed with her! Including me! I dreamt about her all night. Not the way Britney wished; but, still...dreams galore no less.
If she wanted to shave her head, she could've done that at home; but nooooo....she HAD to have a salon open up JUST so she could shave her hair off! In plain view, i might add. Then there's rehab. Rehab, in - rehab, out - rehab in, and no doubt, rehab out...the media is going crazy!! TMZ.com has had more hits than they've ever had in their short history (probably due to the fact that i discovered them last month and go there 877 times per day), who can imagine people not wondering "what's Britney doing today?"
All the while Al Quieda (sp?) is infiltrating our "special" places. And, unfortuantely, we ain't got no Jack Bauer in real life.
I'll tell you who you put Britney with for a while...
"Look Britney! A shot of Tequila!!"
If she wanted to shave her head, she could've done that at home; but nooooo....she HAD to have a salon open up JUST so she could shave her hair off! In plain view, i might add. Then there's rehab. Rehab, in - rehab, out - rehab in, and no doubt, rehab out...the media is going crazy!! TMZ.com has had more hits than they've ever had in their short history (probably due to the fact that i discovered them last month and go there 877 times per day), who can imagine people not wondering "what's Britney doing today?"
All the while Al Quieda (sp?) is infiltrating our "special" places. And, unfortuantely, we ain't got no Jack Bauer in real life.
I'll tell you who you put Britney with for a while...
"Look Britney! A shot of Tequila!!"
If we just ignore them all will they go away?
I do not care what celeb is boinking who. And people that are caught up in the lives of the over exposed trailer trash tard celebs need some real therapy.
I blame it partly on the press for following them around and for the people who eat that stuff up and watch E!
We have people dying in a war, people starving in the world, and a planet getting polluted, but it seems to be more important who the father of Anna "butt slut" Nicole's baby is.
People need to wake the fuck up.
Just my two cents
i'll add a penny on to his thought.
all right senor...you know too much without learning from E! or people dot com. don't liek to me...i know you.
hahahaha...(that was frommy co-worker, by the way...who says Course you'd have to since it's the headline on all our news media)
It is sad to be in line at the grocery store and see all the tabloids (people, US etc. etc.) and then realize that ther is actually a segment of the population that buy by that stuff and seriously read it.
What a waste of paper and trees.
The same day that Anna Nicole died a bunch of soldiers were killed in Iraq and that hardly made the news while the drugged out gold digger mommy was top news all over. What does that say out this country as a whole.
yeah...i agree. but what can we do? It's the media. whatever they focus on is what we see.
this is giving it face time too...
I can't help but be obsessed...I try not to be, but I get no where. I know more about celebrities lives than I do my own!
who's Britney?
Believe it or not, I've thought that about brittany too lol.
And paris hilton...
I think we all just need to turn it off.
But I guess for some that is not that easy. I just wish the celebs were not put up on some god like pedestal. I mean actors are just that....actors. Many of us have to "act" happy everyday just to get through are jobs. And nobody is paying us big $$$.
Then you have someone like Paris Hilton who is just famous for being famous. She does nothing.
And I am really hoping she does not procreate.
i originally started this out becuase i thought it was funny...really. what do i care? I live in america and we're over-indulgent people. Britney is one of our addictions. i get breaking news bulletins from reputable news sites over celebrities! if i can't beat 'em, i can move or join 'em. i'm not movin anytime soon...
anyway, did anyone see the images of her beating the crap out of that photogs car??? Daaaaamn...that girl looks pissed!
It's sad. Like so many celebs, she's got serious issues... A future Anna Nicole, ya think?
I think that Spears is nothing but an attention whore... well maybe just a whore. Okay, that was mean. She's just pulling the world's largest publicity stunt or, my favorite, a morning radio show today came to the conclusion that Spears is experiencing the aftermath of being raped. It makes sense actually.
How the little girls' star has fallen. The Madonna wannabe just ain't smart or talented enough to ever be successful beyond publicity stunts.Hell, she can't even do those....
And then there is the Anna Nicole stories...
I mean how many men are now lined up for paternity tests for her daughter.???
And then this judge that allowed for Anna Nicole to be buried beside her son and chose that moment for his five minutes of fame, by blubbering the ruling...
You crack me up.
you are either insane or genius haha
I like what salvador dali used to say and that is "the only difference between me and an insane person -I'm not insane"
well britney must be doing better. haven't heard much from her...so may she rest in peace.
i just want to know if she will issue a statement as to why she did it . . .
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