Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I flushed my toilet...

Every once in a while, I am struck with the realization of my good fortune.

Like tonight...I did my biz (whiz not shiz) and turned around to flush my toilet. It's a toilet that works. It doesn't leak and it does not, for now, require service.

It's weird times like these that I know I am so very lucky to have, not only a toilet to piz in; but, to own a house with a toilet that works.

I'm also lucky that I have a lawn to water, a big pain-in-the-ass to feed, an a/c to keep me cool, a lovely bed to sleep in, cold beers to drink, a porch to chat with my friends on and a job, though I HATE, to go to.

I had a mom, who in an uncharacteristically kind money moment, graciously replaced my failing roof and who, after her death, has blessed me with monetary gifts that make me feel comfortable and safe.

I bought a used car that, amazingly, runs great. Yet I have a great bike that i can ride to work to everyday. I have clean laundry to fold, cabinets full of good food, good wine that I bought cheap, a dusty treadmill, and friends. Friends that are old and great friends that are semi-new.

I bought a CD last year called The Secret...yeah,'ve all heard of it and it mentions nothing new that the wise old people all over the world haven't mentioned before; but, reminded me to be grateful.

It reminded me to stop nagging at myself about being 'fat' and aging and the fact that I do not having a swimming pool. But to simply appreciate what I DO have.

And I do have a lot. So, Universe? Thank you. Thank you for getting me this far. Thank you for the many gifts you've bestowed upon me that I've been, most times, ungrateful for. I say this now...because I'll forget tomorrow.

hahahaha...and thank you for my humor. Of all the things I dislike about myself, I DO love my humor. Ha ha ha?

Oh and let me thank you in advance for the awesome hot tub that you'll soon be sending my way...


Blogger Vanessa said...

Every now and then I'm struck with a sudden sense of gratitude as well - thankful that I have the family and friends that I do, that I have a job (as much as I don't like it), the ability to see as much of the world as I have so far, a bed to sleep in (even though I'm getting so little of it lately). I have A LOT to be thankful for and am not always as grateful as I should be.

1:43 AM  
Blogger Christo Gonzales said...

thank you for you that was very nice to hear....I am most thankful for my beautiful son!

3:54 AM  
Blogger deb said...

i went through that yesterday too. i had the "aha" moment and had to remind myself that we only have today and the day was much better for that. I'M GRATEFUL FOR YOU QUEEN!

7:19 AM  
Blogger deb said...

oh yah and you're funny. hahahahaha

1:27 PM  
Blogger Sully Sullivan said...

If you can have anything, have a sense of humor. Nothing else matters if you can laugh. Take it all for granted as long as you can laugh like a kid and appreciate it afterwards.

Oh and I'm normally funny too, and there's a lot I dislike about myself, but I can make people and I can find humor in things that humor has no business being in. At the end of the day, I'm happy. Go figure.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Sully Sullivan said...

I need to proofread my comments. I meant "I can make people LAUGH". I guess I can also make people. So it isn't totally incorrect.

8:32 PM  
Blogger buffalodick said...

I good post for all to read and take to heart! I was reminded of a little child praying, even the half hopeful ending about a new toy...

7:07 AM  
Blogger pinknest said...

and thank you for inviting me to drink your cold beers in your hot tub! thank you thank you!

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great post!

We have it so much better than most in the world. My husband was a Marine (many years ago) and is CONSTANTLY reminding me to be grateful. He went into the service an ungrateful little troublemaking punk (I knew him!) and came out a different person (in a good way). He doesn't take much for granted now.

Good for you and your functioning toilet and that big ole beast that you have to feed.........YIPPPEEEE!

Have a good weekend:-)

9:35 AM  
Blogger Adrianne said...

Good for you. My mother told me that you have to tell the universe what you want verses what you do want and to say it out loud at times. What you are thankful for. I started reading my horoscopes again and Susan Miller is the one I choose to read.

It was weird because I was at the book store with my 3 year old and he comes to me and says you need to by this book for me. It was her book!!!!! Crazy huh?

Anyway I am proud of you for realizing what you have instead of what you don't have, erk,,,,,, I sound like Joe!!!!

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every day I get in my shower I feel so grateful. Seriously, I almost cry about how happy I am to have running water and indoor plumbing. I feel ya sister!

4:34 PM  
Blogger MeloMeals said...

Lovely reminder about gratitude...

4:51 PM  
Blogger moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

you are awesome!

8:11 AM  
Blogger urban vegan said...

Gratitude is underrated--especially in this country when we think not having a pair of Manolos is cause for despair. We all have something to be thankful for.

6:44 PM  

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