Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just another day?

Last night I layed in bed with a weird pain in my head and an odd pain in my right chest. The pain in my right chest was only present when I laid on my right side.

So that led me to thinking: what if i were dying?

I think i would call Fox Broadcasting and allow them to video tape my last "year" of life. Course they would have to pay for my trips around the world to create memories for my audience before i died. Hopefully, i would die in that year so the reality show would be momentus.

But the irony is that i would finally be famous and rich and then die.

And is that so bad? Life is really hard when you live paycheck to paycheck. And barely that. so maybe dying young and living rich aint' all that bad. Course i don't think i'd want it to be a year later.

which led me to questions like if they offered you 10 mil and you'd die 10 years earlier than your said death, would you take it?

how about 10 mil but you'd lose a limb?

Me? i'd take 10 mil over damn near anything but sight.


Blogger fatwonkkid said...

i think I would prefer the 10 mil and lose nothing...

6:47 AM  
Blogger Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

Wow, these are tough questions so early in the morning & with only 1 cup of joe in me....

8:04 AM  
Blogger Bicycle!Bicycle! said...

Better question. How much money would it take for you to never see one of your friends again?

How would I know if I even had 10 years left before making that deal? Could I get a pro-rated amount if I have less than 10 years? I'd like at least one year before kicking off. I'd make that deal.

Living paycheck to paycheck isn't really so bad. Having no paycheck to look forward to would be horrible.

9:12 AM  
Blogger buffalodick said...

The pain in your right side was gas, wasn't it? There are people who would pay 10 million to know when they are going to die....

2:50 AM  
Blogger moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

Good question,

We may say that we would take the money, but when given the money at that moment, i think some people would change there mind. Sometimes "all talk and no action" is good, but when it comes to the "action" could you really do it? Now that is the question, lol.

7:03 AM  
Blogger Peter Matthes said...

I would stick with the lottery.

You get to keep the years and the limbs.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Christo Gonzales said...

I would rather live a long long time and just take my chances...

6:54 AM  
Blogger urban vegan said...

I've seen some incredible poverty during my travels--and even with all our money (relatively speaking--when families are living on $1 a day, we by contrast, are rich), many Americans are unhappy. I think we Americans have so much more than we realize.

$$ doesn't equal happiness. I'd keep the 10 years.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

I'd rather have time over money, but that's easy to say with a full tummy. Hey, I tagged you for a meme if you're down...

8:36 PM  

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