I live in California but always dream of living in the mountains or back east. Maine preferrably. but Tahoe most likely. I have a hundred pound dog whom i adore and i'd say vice-versa but he's very selfish. : ) i think i did that. I don't eat meat anymore because factory farming is destroying our lives. And, of course, I don't think animals like to be eaten.
Damn, drinking on a Thursday night? Wow, you are a trooper but can you go out and tear it up again tonight?
HELL to the no.
dude, why can't we live closer to each other !???
One more reason to hate morning..
That's my fav quote line in this show."Uh...I can't even finish that SENTENCE I'm so hung to the over!". Gr8 quote.i have seen it from long time.now i have decided to download full american dad episodes.Gr8 show.
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