Stolen Blog from Tabitha
I don't have too much to say so these kinds of things are fun. Except last night we went to see The Birds and Tippi Hedren was there to grace us with an interview. I love her becuase she fights for animals. Everyone should...
So you google all this shit and then grab the FIRST pix and then your FAVORITE pix of the word you googled. okay?
Name of the town where you grew up - South Berwick, Maine
dining room of the house i grew up in. cool, huh?
Name of the town where you live now - Sacramento, California
Your name - Tanya ********
what the fu....?
what the fu....?
Your grandmother's name (either one you choose) - *****
Your favorite food - Chips & Salsa
Your favorite drink - White Russian / Soy Mocha
Your favorite song - anything from Ben Folds (currently)
Your favorite smell - Freshly ground coffee / farts
Now you know me more than you should.
So you google all this shit and then grab the FIRST pix and then your FAVORITE pix of the word you googled. okay?
Name of the town where you grew up - South Berwick, Maine
Name of the town where you live now - Sacramento, California
Your name - Tanya ********
Your grandmother's name (either one you choose) - *****
Your favorite food - Chips & Salsa
Your favorite drink - White Russian / Soy Mocha
Your favorite song - anything from Ben Folds (currently)
Your favorite smell - Freshly ground coffee / farts
Now you know me more than you should.
Something tells me you're not being quite truthful. Did you forget the word 'dog' before one of your favorites?
Aaah...but that's only becuase my son.
no way! is that really the dining room? you could totally be lying and i will fall for it . . .
MY FAVORITE FOOD IS CHIPS AND SALSA TOO!!! ask my husband, i am totally telling the truth! let's hang out!
the big lebowski would be proud of you. or should i say "the dude"?
i heart ben folds.
but i don't know why you heart farts?
What a fab idea Tabitha Jane!
Tanya - I'm so glad to see you back blogging, you have no idea!
actually that is my house. if you type in South berwich Maine Academy street you'll see the whole house. it was very very beautiful. i still dream about it. not as much anymore...
and i really don't like the smell of farts. except, as peng says, kody's. but i love his 'tinky breath too.
When i saw glitter i thought i'd get anther "ew" but i'm glad i got and "ah" instead...thanksGGG!
God. my word verification is 'baidsbut'
ewwwwwwwwwww, you gross!!
valerie. where's the love, hun?
That is freaky!
lmao at your favorite smell
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