Friday, July 08, 2011


I've been off 19 days and i'm no closer to figuring out what the fuck i'm going to do with myself. I was doing super-ass good with working out and now i've fallen back in to the pattern of taking more days off from exercise than on. And now i'm starting to fret that my time off is running out and soon i'll be back to work and the whole fucking process will start over.

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony, young & gorgeous, gets away with murder and will soon be a millionaire. I work and work and work, I try to do the right thing, I try not to murder people and this is my reward? And i'm jealous of a child-murderer???

What is the answer? WHAT IS THE FUCKING ANSWER?

Addendum: (is that the right word to add add'l info?)

I feel a bit better. Just had a flurry of things to book: going to tahoe on the 13th and 14th and I used a good amount of my points to get a super nice room. Booked our fair date and our harry potter too. had to reschedule a test becuase of tahoe but i decided to reschedule only one and just be back in town by 10am to take the other two.

yeah...i feel a bit better... : )

p.s. I am aware that I lament a lot. But that's the beauty of being me. mostly depressed followed by wild amounts of hugely good times. What would make me 95% happy all the time? a million dollars. I wish i was closer to my uncle...THANKS MOM!


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