Thursday, October 23, 2008

In Loomis??

Chris, Janet and I went to Loomis on Sunday to check out a little botanical garden. Of course, we brought the dogs which made it way more hectic but it was still very sweet and that's exactly what i want my back yard to look like!

These were MASSIVE wind chimes for just $1,600!! but they sounded like a church in England

Here's Kody's long lost ancestor frozen in time. I tried to show him but he couldn't care LESS about history.

Just seeing what my thousand dollar camera could do...

I love teenage mutant ninja turtles. and penis shaped mushrooms.

and frogs.

not so much ants but these were still cool.

Don't think Kody didn't try to have a quick snack when i wasnt looking. or even when i was.

this is their huh? a big-ass greenhouse.

and now to the art gallery...which the dogs WERE allowed in...LOVE IT!

this picture does not do this sculpture justice. it was a dragonfly with stained glass wings...very cool....

I would LOVE to have this in my back yard. so would kody.
The artist calls this the Tax Man

A little Kody spawn...

Can you guess what this is?


Blogger Christo Gonzales said...

its a penis you freak, where was "kevin" huh? HUH?

12:05 PM  
Blogger Tanya Kristine said...

Oh you're secretly pleased, can't fool me.

hahahah!! i was trying to take that pix without the lady who worked there noitcing. i know i'm a perv, but does she need to know?

1:33 PM  
Blogger tabitha jane said...

floppy penis!!!!!

5:05 PM  
Blogger buffalodick said...

An Art Maven? Whoda thunk? Previous comments are closer to the mark...

12:00 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

Whats the name of the garden? i would love to go see it!

7:42 PM  

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