tidbit blog
Instead of artificial sweetners, I'm now using Agave Nectar. I love it! Course i have to use a ton becuase i have a massive sweet tooth; but, i don't feel bad about it.
Today is furlough friday. I was going to start banking them but since i'm in stockton now...hell to the no. it's a gorgeous day, i'm wired on appetite suppressants and i've got shit to do. yessa!
My dr. finally figured out why my left night contact lense felt like a rock and fixed it. I've been suffering with that for a year! Oh well...now it doesn't hurt and i can see 20/to china every day.
Speaking of eyes, I got this supposed eyelash grower called Bamboo Lash. it's all natural so it probably won't do shit but i've taken a before pix...in 4 weeks I'll take an after and we'll see. Unless it has glaucoma meds in it, i doubt it will work but i'm still excited to see...who doesn't want long, thick, black eyelashes??
i've lost 7 pounds on my diet. These pills have made me realize what a little piggy I am. I can now eat normal food in normal amounts and be happy. yesterday i did't take a pill and was gorgingly starving but i maintained control and after 1.5 cup of soup and 4 crackers, i was full!! They say the stomach shrinkage thing is a myth but i'm not so sure.
I found a beautiful convertible Mitsubishi spyder on craigslist and i want it. it's only 6400 BUT its' a 97, it's a mitsubishi and...well..that's about all i need. So cute though and i KNOW Kody would LOVE IT!
It's one of my best friends birthday Saturday. I'd say Happy Birthday but the bitch never reads my blog...happy birthday bitch!
I never post on Kody's blog anymore. I feel really guilty about that but he only does two things over and over and over...sleep & ball. BORING!
Have a great weekend!
Today is furlough friday. I was going to start banking them but since i'm in stockton now...hell to the no. it's a gorgeous day, i'm wired on appetite suppressants and i've got shit to do. yessa!
My dr. finally figured out why my left night contact lense felt like a rock and fixed it. I've been suffering with that for a year! Oh well...now it doesn't hurt and i can see 20/to china every day.
Speaking of eyes, I got this supposed eyelash grower called Bamboo Lash. it's all natural so it probably won't do shit but i've taken a before pix...in 4 weeks I'll take an after and we'll see. Unless it has glaucoma meds in it, i doubt it will work but i'm still excited to see...who doesn't want long, thick, black eyelashes??
i've lost 7 pounds on my diet. These pills have made me realize what a little piggy I am. I can now eat normal food in normal amounts and be happy. yesterday i did't take a pill and was gorgingly starving but i maintained control and after 1.5 cup of soup and 4 crackers, i was full!! They say the stomach shrinkage thing is a myth but i'm not so sure.
I found a beautiful convertible Mitsubishi spyder on craigslist and i want it. it's only 6400 BUT its' a 97, it's a mitsubishi and...well..that's about all i need. So cute though and i KNOW Kody would LOVE IT!
It's one of my best friends birthday Saturday. I'd say Happy Birthday but the bitch never reads my blog...happy birthday bitch!
I never post on Kody's blog anymore. I feel really guilty about that but he only does two things over and over and over...sleep & ball. BORING!
Have a great weekend!
Kody is not boring! Shame on you. I don't care if it's just pics of him sleeping...I wuv him.
I'm trying to lose a few for the summer and it is a struggle. You seem to be doing pretty good - 7 pounds! Love the car (except it's white - not a fan of the white automobile - but that's just personal preference) - when we were on vacation a few years back the rental car they gave us was a Mitsubishi. It was actually OK. If you get it, take a picture of Kody in it and put that on his blog. Have a fun weekend! I'm working, blah.
Furlough Friday..Yipppeeee!
Are you going to buy a new car with your $$....Looks like a Cougar Car to me;-)
7LBS, go Speedy,go!
way to go on the 7 - I'm trying to get back in my skinny jeans and it's not working. agave nectar rocks!
Our resident wolf just got her spring haircut- she looks and acts younger! Airedales... gotta love 'em..
i would say that the stomach shrinkage is true. I went through a period like that.
I would love a truck. I love trucks, and play my girly folk music !
I have the agave nectar in the cupboard, i can honestly say. i have used it only for my tapioca pudding. thats it. yummy stuff.
Keep at the diet!
do not buy the gay spider...whatever you do.
P.O.S. really it is. you can do much better and your new girlish figure will deserve it.
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