Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Lost a pound! i can get in to my 12's now. they're tight but a month ago i couldn't get them over my hippo thighs : )

My brother came over last night to watch Weeds Season 6 and he brought over a huge cheeseburger and fries. such a guy move. i wasn't even tempted even though the fries smelled heavenly. Kody thought so too since each side of his mouth had the hangy stringy drooly ropes.

i've decided i'm NOT going to do P90X. it's just way too fucking hard. i'm going to follow the slim in 6 for 6 weeks and hopefully that'll get me in shape. i cna't start that till i'm off the low-carb becuase i can't lose any weight on that part of the diet. that totally sucks! but supposedly i'm resetting my metabolism and if i keeplosing weight, it won't know where my set point is. but after the 21 days low carb i will ramp it up with daily workouts. Still won't be able to drink but i absolutely do not miss drinking. i can get up every single morning and make it to work without being tired and listless. I get more shit done on the weekends than i ever did drinking & cleaning!

Kody's really hurt right now. I found a new treatment for arthritic dogs called stem cell treatment. They actually pull cells from the dogs "good" areas and inject them directly in to the damaged area where it will regenerate and heal the bad area. It's expensive but i'd take out a second to make sure that dog is comfortable and happy. the fact that he's 11 is amazing. Large dogs just don't live that long...but kody's the epitome of health. all his bloodwork and other stuff is about the level of a 2 year old dog. he's in pristine shape. I wanna keep him that way as long as i can becuase when he goes, a part of me will go too.

Today's wedensday. i wanna call in sick so bad but i can't. yesterday i took a two hour lunch because i wanted to. There's a girl at work who we started to become friends but she's been weird and aloof lately. she's like me only 10 times worse. Good thing i'm familiar with that behavior so i can go in to that mode too, so there bitch! Maybe the layoffs will provide a different opportunity for me. or maybe the lottery will....


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