Eddie Van Halen
I used to be so very in "love" with Eddie Van Halen.
ever since this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=G_J9-QrHAhE&search=eddie%20van%20halen
video came out. (check out his smile after he sings "jump" so cute. and sorry i can't cut out David Lee Roth too)
He was breathless, sweet, shy, talented and amazing. I was glad to see his marriage lasted so long too...that's a miracle in that industry.
But when i see him like this:
...it makes me want to put my arms around him and tell him i'm sorry for his insidious addictions...
I wonder where he is now?
i had my "lump" looked at today. by 3 doctors no less...no one knows what it is so i have to have an ultrasound....yikes!
i have a lump too . . . 4 ultrasounds and one mammography and 4 years later . . . it is still there and they still weren't entirely sure what it was.
we've named it "lumpy."
I know that feeling. A girl who used to drool over posters of him on the wall. I never cared if he was married.
did i mention that i hate modern, western doctors offices?
they are so unorganized and impersonal . . . they don't even know who you are the next time you come in . . . can't remember why you are there ask you the same questions they asked before and schedule you for tests you've already taken . . .
or maybe that only happens to me?
Hey Lumpy...youre so funny...I'll have to come up ith a new name for mine...
yes i hate offices today. in fact, i had an appt at 9 and didn't get called back til 9:45. i was in tears by taht time, so pissed off! i even told them their appt schedule sucks and they shoudl do soemthing about ti. did i get an apology? no. i got a "you need to step on the scale please" which is when i started to tear up. not even an apology.
until the dr. came in. by then my face is all red and she profusely apologized. come to find out she'd been availabel the whoel time. it was the lame-ass staff that didn't tell her i was there...
well, glitter...now he's not! I'd still date him. (hi honey!)
Eddie has throat cancer. Unfortunatly. :( That;s why he looks so bad. It's really quite sad.
I have a "lump too". it's on my lower back but more towards the side. I've had it checked and they tried to operate on it. The lump is too far deep, under neath my muscle layer so they couldn't get to it w/o putting me under. It's called a "something" tumor. I can't remember. :) None cancerous and they won't take it out until it gets larger cuz the risk is too high to do it while it's smaller.
that's exactly where mine is!!! and they said the same thing> it's deep! a ganglia cyst or seomthing...i 'm not too worried bleive it or not. however i AM worried that if i DON'T worry it'll be cancer.
yeah...i know Eddie had cancer and apparently he's still drinkgin and smoking which makes me either want to party with him or make him do a fast and take care of him.
still loveyou kevey...!
ganglia . . . nice.
that word reminds me of sangria . . .
mmmmm . . . can i go home yet?
Am I the only person without a lump? I feel sort of left out now. Good thing none of your lumps appear to be serious. And I hate going to the doctor sooooo much. I only go when I absolutely have to (meaning: want a prescription). They are always so indifferent and don’t seem to care that you have to waste your whole day to see a doctor for maybe 15 min. grrrr.
agreed, shanani. and being lump-free is not bad either...will still let you come over.
no becuase i can't go home yet....you suffer; i suffer. :)
Here you go mami. CHeck out this link. I have a Lipoma Tumor and now I have a scar on top of it cuz the dumb dr. didn't realize until he cut me open, how far down it was.
Does yours move under your skin? I mean, it stays in the same place, but you can move it.
I've also had a gangling cyst. And they are not the same. My cyst was on my wrist and it was hard like a little marble. I had that removed 3 times. Damn thing kept growing back. This tumor is big and squishy.
Lipoma Tumor
yeah. that's what it is. but mine kinda hurts. that's what's scary.
oh well...i'll just wait. i couldnt' read too much of that articel or i'll start to panic
I swear mine hurts too and the doctor says to me "there's no possible way that's hurting you. THese do't hurt" Then I'm like "then it's NOT it then, cuz this shit hurts me sometimes, bastard" and he's like "psssssh, whatever, psycho lady". SO here I sit complaining about my tumor hurting to anyone else who will listen to me. HI!
I have friends that have seen Eddie Van Halen fairly recently and have said he looks really bad (worse than the pic). It's a shame he couldn't at least kick one addiction as he still smokes and drinks. He was my hero growing up and it's hard to see how badly he's aged when it wasn't that long ago he still looked healthy.
Have a great day!
oh no. eek lumps are too scarey but at least you're getting it checked out.. and Eddie was awesome.. it's kind of a shame to look at him now.. But you can always put on a cd (or if you're lucky an old record), close your eyes and remember the good ole days
good luck!
lumps scare me ~ hope the doctors figure it out.
that can't be the same eddie van halen...maybe that was eddy han valen?
Jesus Christ ... Eddie looks like death warmed over.
I'll trade you your lump for the CT scan of my lungs any day of the week.
That's scary that the doctors don't know what it is.
Has it been hurting less since you've been on your juice fast?
TK! I am late posting because I was gone most of the day...
I am thinking of you. Please let me/US know what you find out.
I had a lump in one o'my breasts a few years back. They squeezed me in that mammogram machine and it turned out it was a benign cyst. I had to cut down the caffeine. (And i didn't and still don't even drink coffee or much caffeinated beverages.)
Here's keeping positive thoughts your way, TK...
anony: that's so heart wrenching. I'm sure he's doing what he wants to though and he knows he'll die from it and sometimes that has to be okay. we're all gonna die anyway someday. he had a great life i'm sure...
thanks teddy...and i was just thinking on the way to work i should grab my Van Halen CD and listen to it again. this time not stoned...ahahahaaa..(taht was when i was a teenager; not now!)
you are so funny Vicki. i had to read that a few times becuase i didn't get it...
peter. that's scary. what's going on? I'm giogn to check your blog adn see if you posted about it.
KLEO! there you are! i was wondering about you. funny how we get attached to our fellow bloggers and miss them when they're not around...this site is addicting. maybe i'll trun Eddie on to it...: )
hi geekster...you'd think but no. it's not SUPER painful, i can just feel it when ido the back rolly thingie druing yoga. Like Valerie said, it does hurt. not excrutiating but you can feel it. maybe it's just on some nerve or something.
okay...i've gotta think about what to post today. yay. i'm not inspired.
TK, Eddie desperately needs something GOOD and HEALTHY to turn him on, turn him in, turn him over, turn him out.
He needs some therapy and a healthy diet... my opinion, for what it's worth!
Tragic. Send it to Pat. Sadly it is where he and his son is headed.
You are going to be just fine. LOVE YA! Had a great weekend. Call me I am working all day Friday??????? Let me know.
Hi Ed is doing great,I'm sure You've heard.The tour is planned for this summer,dates to be announced next week.David Lee will be singing again,finally,Eds son on bass and Al drums.heres a vid if you havent seen him lately
I LOVE EVH. Well I love what he used to be. Ahh the eighties, my favorite decade. I wish I could have lived in the eighties. I'm only 14 so I didn't. poo. But I love Eddie. I think he was SSSOOOOOO cute and the cute smile he had... man. It mkaes my heart melt. Too bad he had/has some really bad habits.
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