my prison cell
but this is what keeps me going...
Kevin has jury duty today. i want jury duty so bad i can taste it. i even went there and asked them to put me on the top of the list!! nothing! some people get called twice a year. i get shit.
i did, however, receive an application for FEDERAL jury duty. that would be killer...
Hey, your cell and my cell look suspiciously alike, hmmm. That reminds me, I got a jury duty notice last Friday, I need to send register or something soon. I am so bad at opening my mail they’re just lucky I know about it at all.
Ok, I thought I was the only freak who LIKES jury duty. Glad to know that I'm not alone.
Last time I had it was 6 years ago and I was actually able to serve on the jury - it was only a week long case though, including deliberations.
i had jury duty recently so i wrote a letter & called begging to get out of it. no go, but everytime i called in, they didn't need me & actually skipped my juror number so i never had to go. if i were getting out of work, that'd be a different story ~ sign me up. cute dog photos, & i'll send some brownies with a nail file inside so you can make a break!
i love the pix of kody driving. he was such a funny puppy.
an asshole, but Veeeeery funny.
you guys all make memad...HOW COME I CAN'T GET JURY DUTY!!??!
do you know how many times i re-register to vote just to get my address back on the top fo the list?
Yuck, hate jury duty. I'd rather be at work, I think. I served in 2002 for a week on a trial. Told that bitch to FRY!!!!!!! HA, just kidding. Was just a dumb car accident. boooooooo
you're dog is so cute!
i already had jury duty last year. i imagine i won't get it any time soon.
I love the picture of your dog driving! My dogs always wait for me in the driver's seat, it looks like they're driving my husband around. I love it!
Great cubicle photos. I "share" mine so there's not much of my stuff around like you have. That must be nice! I do have Mattie as my background on the computer...
I have had jury duty every few years... I like it, too. Not federal though... yikes!! Got a few months of your life to give to the good of the USA?!
You're cell is different from mine. But the idea is the same. Glad you have the puppy pics to keep you going!
ok- you are the only person I know who WANTS jury duty!!! They got me, but I called and said I was a teacher and they said they'd call me back in the summer. That was 2 yrs ago. Love the doggie pics in the cubicle!!! Your cell- you are so funny!
Oh I loooove dog pics! In our staff lunch room we have what we call "The Dog Wall". Employees are invited to put up photos of their dogs. (Simon has a few choice shots up there. I should take a picture of that) A few cats have made it in, but we let that slide. I like Kody driving and in what looks like a purple toque. Soooo cute.
Hey, listen girl....I think I'm older than you and I have NEVER EVER even gotten a whisper of jury duty. Jim's gone twice and he's younger than me. What's up with that? I would love to go! I never win anything. Contests on the radio, the lottery, jury duty. I think I'm cursed. Jim says "It's the luck of the Irish!" Scottish smart mouth that he is. He mocks me after I made him haggis. We need petitions TK. Something is seriously wrong with "the system"
omg, the one where he? is driving the car.. too cute..
i came back for the driving dog! jolie does that too, but she doesn't look like she knows what she's doing like yours does.
be thankful. your cell is larger than mine.
you scored major points on that dog driving photo! good job.
well valerie you obviuosly don't work for the state where jury duty is a WELCOME and paid for delight!
my luck i'll get federal and be away from my life for a year...heeey...don't sound too bad.
one time my dog (my other boy...God rest his gentle soul) jumped in my driver seat when i was walkig to the store, did his instinctual turn-around to sit down and his butt hit the horn. when i turned around he was sitting there, staring at he was honking at me. so cute. love that dog!
the dog wall. what a GREAT idea! i shoudl do that! as it is we have a bulletin board where pepoel take turns making pictures out of the colored tacks. woo.
and what's sadder is I'M IRISH!! so luck of the irish my ass! myabe it's the german part that's cursing me. damn.
i'm calling them today to threaten a discrimination lawsuit. THAT oughta get me called : )
kody could drive a car if i taught him. he smart boy. love that mutt.
ew. my mocha tastes like my lavender hand cream...
your cell looks much much better then mine.. :-)
i would love to get called for jury duty. too bad that i would never get picked, since i'm a lawyer and all. they don't want anyone who might actually know what's going on in the case...
First time visiter here. I followed you voa a comment left somewhere. I'm a fellow vegan animal lover also
Cute cubicle decor, love the dogs!
Federal duty... yikes!
The only time I have been called for jury duty was when I was trying to start my business... the very first week I had to be at the courthouse. I begged to get off, but fortunately I was able to leave because I said that a child molestation case would be to difficult for me to hear.
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