day 5 - key west
Blogger is probably the worst venue to blog on but i'll have to make do becuase i'm on a tiny laptop with weak wireless signal so i'll take what i can get and be greatful for it! This day is not in order...i did the boating trip on the 2nd half of the day.
tuesday night i met that awesome gruop of people who invited me on their boat the next day. I was sitting out on the chaise lounge waiting for them to show up. So a boat starts coming my way and i get up to make my way to the beach and tell the guy sitting there...there's my ride! got i love my life!
and it wasn't for i started to worry that maybe they forgot about me or decided not to go and had no way of telling me that...but i was wrong...HERE they are!
Parasailing is, of course, huge in key west. not interested myself but here we are directly beneath two riders.
the boat ride to boca grande was about 30 minutes. these two (suzanne adn robin) are time resort friends only. i think that's kinda cool. they see each other once a year and have been for over 20 years. suzanne now lives in key west and this is her and her husbands boat.
queer shot of two people taking pix of each other...hahah
I only wanted to get the corona bottle with the back drop but they took the pix of me WITH the corona instead.'s all good.
that is a little mangroveisland. key west is dotted with tiny islands all over the place. There is ONE island that has only one house on it on that entire island and a very eccentric man lives there now. guess what i really wanted to do that day?
aaaaaaaaaaaaand this is what we did for the next 4 hours. ate fruit, cheese, crackers and drank beer. i thought i had SPF30 on but i only had 15 and i only applied it before i left so i'm a bit of a fried egg right now.
this is on our way back to the main island. believe it or not, i am NOT drunk. well...just drunk on pure joy!!!
this is on our way back to the main island. believe it or not, i am NOT drunk. well...just drunk on pure joy!!!
I left the group and went and had dinner at Blue Heaven. it was SUPER expenseiveand not really that great but it was fun.
a word of advice: do NOT feed the chickens here. this little greedy bitch decided i was too slow with my rations and jumped up ON my table. look at her looking at me like COMME ONE!! MORE FOOD!
I stopped by this little bar for a night cap and met another couple fromBoston
I want this hammock. and the guy in it.
this is how i started my day. at my fav little french bistro with a rum sugar lime crepe and a croissant.
then i stopped in the butterfly sanctuary. amazing!!!
LOVED these ceramic ants all over the wall.
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