Thursday, November 30, 2006


i decided to clean out my freezer and eat what was in there. I found a bag of Trader Joes Mushroom Medley that had been broken in to once before...i think like 8 months ago? of course, it's caked in ice; but, TJ's frozen food is lucky like can be caked in ice for ice ages and still be pretty, pretty good.

then i found a bag of chinese green beans - also, caked in ice. Safeway brand. not looking good. but i threw them together in a hot saute pan and then let them simmer while my casserole finished baking.

the casserole was the baked mac & cheese from the Uncheese cookbook. and some frozen hot "dogs" that only God knows how old they are. i also used an unopened package of of whole wheat pasta (you KNOW how i feel about WW pasta - but VV i did order & receive my white WW).

well let's just say, one bite of the veggies and off those went in to the garbage disposal. eeeeyuk! the casserole wasn't way too bad but that WW pasta is just nasty. NASTY!

i packed some of the noodles last night for my lunch today and just could not bring myself to bring it. if I'm not looking forward to lunch, i'm depressed.

God i'm exciting.

Monday, November 27, 2006


well my "not drinking" went out the window.

i suck. and i love alcohol. oh well.

i visited me mum for T'giving up near the canadian border. i actually had a good time. so the best visit i ever had with my mom was last year when she was in a coma and now this! when she was awake! it's like Christmas! she couldn't move around very much but she did manage to take me to Value village (her fav thrift store) and a couple of other cool discounted stores. and i had fun visiting with my brother Michael. i really love it there. im just trying to convince my mom to give me like 250 grand so i can quit my state job and have it be worth it.

kody would LOVE it up there; it's green & a big house with lots of land would be affordable, unlike here in Sucramento. And of course in the winter they get snow as they had their first snowfall Sunday. i'm so jealous.

i hate flying so i have to drink before i get on a plane. it's just standard behavior...on the way up our plane left at 8am so i couldn't very well drink and popped a Xanax instead. on the way back our plane left at 10:20 so that is a much more acceptable time to drink. i just didn't stop and passed out around 8. lovely, eh?

i sure would like to be a size 6 by my next birthday. maybe i'll try bulemia* again.

*totally kidding - i hate barfing.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fast Food Nation

This movie is opening tomorrow and it would be REALLY great if you went to see it and supported it's cause which is to raise awareness of America's horrible diet!

Which also means NO MEAT! It's important to buy the tickets in the first 3 days for it's success.

thank you.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


My ipod is now working!!! it was easy as pie and i'm pissed at Apple for not suggesting that i simply buy a new hard drive and replace the old one. here are some pix. i got too excited and forgot to take more.

this is my ipod completely disassembled with the old 4GB hard drive:

and here is it's replacement. notice i got a bigger harddrive? Yes. you CAN do that.

ta daaaaa! i smaht.

Last night i attempted to make a hamburger pizza using the chickpea pasta sauce from one of Dreena's book and hamburger toppings. it would have been delicious if it weren't for the whole wheat crust. Curse my mother for only allowing me to develop (and adore) a taste for white products. i HATE whole wheat shit.

here's Kody helping me pick out a good salad dressing recipe. he does this becuase he knows he'll get some...

okay. so i dyed my hair. which do YOU like better? (ignore goofy pictures)

Monday, November 13, 2006

i quit drinking.

so i have LOTS of time to do whatever i need to do. (amazingly, i still don't get shit done...Hmm...)

we had friday off and Kevin and i biked to the Governor's mansion and did the tour. i've been in Sacramento over 20 years and i've never done that tour.

it was boring. BUT it was a lovely day and fun to bike around on the cruisers. then we went and had some "sushi" (no Kirin - bummer) and i went home and watched some back logged Judge Judy's.

Saturday, it rained so i cleaned the house, watched The Break Up (like very much)and went to a vegan dinner Saturday night at Tokyo Fro's. I'm sorry, but some of these vegan type people are very strange. the straw was the bill. i suggested we just split it 7 ways but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...the new guy, who claimed he owned a construction company, turns out he's a house painter and is probably his only employee, hogged the bill and angst over it for like ever! i'm like "give me the bill!" jesus! kevin and i put in our amount and Business owner guy takes the bill back and claims it's $20 short. his came out to be $15. Before i knew he was a house painter i was thinking "don't you own a construction company? you can't put in the extra $5???"

turns out he never even added in his own tax or tip but everyone threw money at him anyway. we were still A DOLLAR SHORT AND HE WAS STILL INQUIRING!!

my suggestion turned out to be what everyone pretty much paid anyway.

my eyebrow zit has now moved to the third eye area. and it is bringing me no wisdom.

Kelly, my oldest friend, called me yesterday to ask me why the recipe asked her to soak the garbanzo beans overnight. Knowing Kelly, i asked and i was right, they were canned.

i let her know she could skip that step.

AND yesterday i dyed my hair. i was to drop it one level but it fell down about 5. Kevin was sweet and assisted me so i blamed him for the error. he even tried to blow dry it for me. now THAT'S a man. i'll post pictures tonight.

AND i fixed my ipod. well...i put it back together. we'll see if it actually works. hold your breath!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

a new job?

God, i hope so. I'm applying for a real estate position and i actually am getting my hopes up for this one. which kinda sucks becuase it's a long shot. i usually NEVER apply for a job where the job description is longer than a few sentences. this one was a few hundred.

but i'm thinking it's time i actually work. and i'm excited about it...i would LOVE to be super-busy and over-occupied and in real estate is just the rich whip cream on the top.

plus i have a home office that is currently being used as a clothes hamper.

anohter bummer. i acutally have to dress up. how gay is that?

Macy's here i come!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The BEST thing about elections... when they're over.

no more ads. no more flyers on my door. no more signs littering peoples lawns.

most of what i voted for passed. and prop 204 in arizona passed which means veal crates will no longer be used and neither will gestation crates for pigs. i cannot tell you how great this is. William Niman, who owns Niman Ranch (and slaughters animals) was for this proposition. he said he owns 600 farms and not one of his animals is crated. they're allowed to raom, feel the sun & wind and have a swift humane ending. it's all i can hope for until the last human being actually stops consuming animals.


Monday, November 06, 2006

eyebrow zit

all i can say is "ow" and "ugly" and "can i wear a burka?"

oh wait...that ONLY shows your eyes.

i guess my glasses will have to do.

anyway, this is what i look like:
(click to see zit)

Saturday morning, Kody was in the mood for some lovin' and if i don't constantly pet & coo, i pay. Like with a big, fat, scratchy paw slammed right in to my open eye ball. if i could describe the sound, it would gross you out.

i called my eye dr. today JUST to make sure my retina doesn't detach and while i explained what happen and that this was the 3rd time she quipped "hmm...sounds like your puppy needs training..."


anyway, i threatened kody with the pound if i go blind becuase THAT, my friends, would suck.

p.s. currently awaiting new hard drive for ipod. i'll post pix for those that WILL need it in the future.

Friday, November 03, 2006

i have nothing. NOTHING!

i was going to take a picture of my ipod all taken apart by moi but forgot my camera. but aren't you still proud of me?

my coworkers are sick of me talking about my ipod but it really has affected my life.

i might quit my 2nd job to see if that'll stop the twitching.

Kody was extra cute this morning. i took him for a walk and he ran in to a few people and each time he does his ears go so far back and down, he looks earless and then he wags his tail ferociously in anticipation of getting some pets. so fucking cute. another reason why i want to quit my 2nd job...i just hate leaving him so much. it's not fair to him.

Light rail shot down my request to allow pets on to public transportation so i have to attend a public meeting on monday. this city is so frickin' lame. it just CANNOT catch up to its big city status. cannot.

okay...happy slinky? make me blog when i got nothing. poor bloggers...