sugar UPDATE!
and if it wasn't you 3, then thanks to everyone else who supported the campaign to save Sugar!!
(from the Fairfield Humane Society)
Thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support and best wishes for Sugar! The Humane Society received calls not only from the caring citizens of Lancaster and central Ohio, but also from across the nation and even from other countries! With such generosity, funding for Sugar's needs are secured. She will travel to The Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital on Thursday, September 28, and it is anticipated that her surgery will be the following day.
Thanks to your generosity, the Fairfield Area Humane Society established an account called "Sugar's Fund." All monies received in excess of Sugar's medical costs will be set aside in "Sugar's Fund" and will be used to meet the future emergent needs of abused or neglected animals that come into our care. You can contribute to "Sugar's Fund" through PayPal
To make an online donation to the
Fairfield Area
Humane Society
click here
or please write "Sugar's Fund" on the memo line of your check made payable to:
Fairfield Area Humane Society, P.O. Box 1109, Lancaster, OH 43130
Look for updates on Sugar in the days to come! Like you, we all are hopeful for a successful surgery and rehabilitation and anticipate a happy life for Sugar! Thanks you so much!