Before I explain the evening (just for fun)...I am fucking shocked, amazed, excited and VERY pleased because last night I was the soberest one in our group. If you think this is no big deal, let me say, while embarrassing myself, that pretty much EVERY time I go out with the girls, I am, 100% gauranteed, going to black out. That's the part of the addiction I'm trying to erase. The part that's hedonistic and over-stimulated with having fun that I don't know when to stop.
AND I got prettteeeh, pretteeeh, pretteh buzzed. Just not fall-down sloshy drunk.
So Janet and I went out first, of course, around 4pm. Sally met us at 5:30, Dena 6:30 and shayshay shortly thereafter. Becuase we are the funnest and funniest group of Golden Girls we usually attract the young boys who are desperate for girl attention but can't hold attention spans of the younguns. And they're just so shocked at some of the shit we say & do and I love it. A plug for naltrexone, I got to watch it all happen! YES!....As the night goes on a fight breaks out with one of my girls and one of the cute boys, cute boy trying his hardest to calm Momma Bear down. I had to run after Momma Bear to calm her down and i did by saying we would so leave and go somewhere else.
When we get to the 2nd place Friend #1 is so drunk she's spilling drinks on people (in her defense it was PACKED HERE; but, I'm pretty sure if there was only one person and he was at the end of the bar, she would have spilled on him too) Friend #2 has her last drink, she's calmed down and Friend #3 and #2 are chatting. I see #3 start crying, #2 consoling and #1 slurring heavily. I tell #1 we're calling and cab and, much to my surprise got an immediate "Yup!".
But #1 says #2 can probably drive us home and I agree as #2 is usually the soberish one of the group. While we're all walking out to the car, #1 has a change of heart and wants to drive home. I'm not even concerned at this point becuase that's the funniest slurred sentence i've heard in a long time. I just tell her Uh uh, no way and she makes the statement one more time while opening the back of her truck. then she falls and ROLLS UNDER THE CAR BESIDE HER and I shake my head, point at her adn say "yeah...she's driving us home"...hahahah...that was so funny.
At #1's house, #1 rolls out of the car and on to her driveway and before i get a chance to get out to help her I get a call from #3 saying she's at my house, needs to pee and needs a cigarette. I tell her to just pee in my yard and as soon as I help #1, we're on our way. I get #1 up and in her house and #2 takes me home.
I get home; no #3. Is she peeing in the wrong yard??? did she get THAT impatient she just left?? aah....I'm just too exhausted and worn out to try and figure it out so I go inside, heat up some soup and watch some curb.
And then I revel in the fact that I, for the first time in I cannot remember, was the one that had to chase the crazies, pick up the fallies and put mySELF to bed. It was a good night, in more ways than just fun....