Instead of artificial sweetners, I'm now using Agave Nectar. I love it! Course i have to use a ton becuase i have a massive sweet tooth; but, i don't feel bad about it.
Today is furlough friday. I was going to start banking them but since i'm in stockton now...hell to the no. it's a gorgeous day, i'm wired on appetite suppressants and i've got shit to do. yessa!
My dr. finally figured out why my left night contact lense felt like a rock and fixed it. I've been suffering with that for a year! Oh it doesn't hurt and i can see 20/to china every day.
Speaking of eyes, I got this supposed eyelash grower called Bamboo Lash. it's all natural so it probably won't do shit but i've taken a before 4 weeks I'll take an after and we'll see. Unless it has glaucoma meds in it, i doubt it will work but i'm still excited to see...who doesn't want long, thick, black eyelashes??
i've lost 7 pounds on my diet. These pills have made me realize what a little piggy I am. I can now eat normal food in normal amounts and be happy. yesterday i did't take a pill and was gorgingly starving but i maintained control and after 1.5 cup of soup and 4 crackers, i was full!! They say the stomach shrinkage thing is a myth but i'm not so sure.
I found a beautiful convertible Mitsubishi spyder on craigslist and i want it. it's only 6400 BUT its' a 97, it's a mitsubishi and...well..that's about all i need. So cute though and i KNOW Kody would LOVE IT!
It's one of my best friends birthday Saturday. I'd say Happy Birthday but the bitch never reads my blog...happy birthday bitch!
I never post on Kody's blog anymore. I feel really guilty about that but he only does two things over and over and over...sleep & ball. BORING!
Have a great weekend!