i love all the blogs i read because they're normal blogs about what people do in their daily lives. but sometimes i wish i could write a blog where the reader hangs on every word. like Sex and the City? Brilliant writing and at the end of 98.75% of all their episodes, i feel like getting up and clapping. and, in fact, i do. i'm moved.
i used to be a really good writer.
if i do say so myself.
so when i read blogs like dooce.com i get a little sad. so well written, so well ended. interesting from word one to word ?. my entries are fragmatic and chock full of incomplete ideas. just like my mind. i've taken no time, no love, no thought in to developing an interesting post, just pour it out and publish.
but i guess that's what blogging is about, right?
well here's some more 'pouring'...
my shelves are hung and are brilliant. i'll post a pix tonight. I'm currently buying all the goodies to fill each jar that i bought at ikea. i've labled each jar too. I'll say it again: I AM GAY!! but there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING, better than wanting to cook a recipe and having every single ingredient on hand.
Do i have oat flour?
i do now.
Do i have Vital Wheat Gluten?
i will after work.
Do i have nutritional yeast?
well...yes but now it's in its final resting home. where i can see when i run low of it and need to buy more.
i feel good about this.
anyway here they is: (and pay no mind to the mismatched blinds. i'm aware of their hideousness...a thing called money is getting in teh way of replacing them! except i had enough to buy shelving and jars and the stuff to go in them - priorities!)
on another note: we have a 3 day weekend and i coudln't be any happier. unless it were a 4 dayer. then i'd be happier. i feel like calling in sick tomorrow and pissing away the day. at 5 i'm getting my hair done. i'll post before and after pix.