I want to create a new blog where I can be really honest. On this one I have to bite my tongue. Hide myself. Or change my demeanor. I shouldn't be angry or sad or depressed.
But I am angry, sad and depressed sometimes. What's scary is my co-workers read this (hey! just kidding - I really am so normal!) My friends read this (they know...they know). People who are super-funny and super-intelligent read this. (man, my grandiosity is in rare form today :) But when they read
this they, most likely, will move on; cuz this ain't gonna be funny.
Although really, I like to be funny. It makes me feel good to make people laugh or even to laugh myself. In fact, I asked my doctor to give me something that makes me laugh
often (and will also make me lose weight!!) but they won't. Prescription Speed apparently is no laughing matter. Bah humbug! Instead, they wanna give me something that might give me a disfiguring, life-threating rash. Although that's tempting, I'll stick with my alcohol that brings me the laughter, joy and perception that life is good. Unfortunately, it also destroys my brain cells and my fatty liver. That's kinda funny in itself: a sickness that's funny. HA! Isn't that the saddest irony?
Uh oh...I'm getting serious. What I really wanna do is cry because tomorrow is Monday. I HATE Mondays. But I also hate Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and partial Fridays; because, those days reminds me that I have to work to pay for this house and my credit cards I "accidentally" charged up and the beast I have to feed every day.
For christs sake; someone wins the lottery every Wednesday and Saturday...Why the fuck can't it be me? Oh God...I could travel, quit my job, save animals, work out 2 hours every day and be fit, drink the finest vodka in Russia to celebrate my adoption of all the homeless "subway" children, buy a sanctuary, and a condo overlooking Central Park, and one in Tahoe too. See? Like Costanza says "I believe in God for the bad stuff!" because He must not want me to be rich. So what if I die in 5 years from over-indulgence? Who cares? Should I just die in mediocre poorness over the next 30 years instead? Yeah...thanks God!
Now, now...don't tell me how much God really loves me because really He don't do shit. If He's there at all, then He's just there. So really it's not about me. Or you. Or the billions of animals that die alone in terror and isolation without a concept that they ARE important. Or the millions of people suffering at the hands of others...no, He doesn't do anything to intercept that. Which leads me to believe it's only a power. Not a person who feels or cares but just a constant energy. How scary is that to think you can't even pray to someone who's listening? It's just an energy. A constant. Not a being that cares...But no fear; when you die, you'll come back or re-energize as
something..Because energy never dies...yay!
so now when I feel alone, I really
am alone...Except for my
Kody. But even HE would dump me for a ball..
I promise I'll be funnier tomorrow... but if you want to hear more...well don't ask, because I wont' tell..
yeah...I need to create another blog...